This table can help you to identify the Guiding Virtues that you may want to work on developing using this website.  For example, if you demand perfection then you may want to work on becoming more metaphysically secure.  









If you engage in this Cardinal Fallacy Then you should work on building this Guiding Virtue Description of the Virtue
DEMANDING PERFECTION (Dictating reality by constructing an ideal and then demanding that it be true) METAPHYSICAL SECURITY Accepting, emotionally as well as intellectually, the imperfections in reality, including human fallibility, uncertainty, inability to control everything, inability to know all, and the existence of bad or unwanted things.
CATASTROPHIZING (Exaggerating the badness of something or of its consequences) COURAGE Confronting the possibilities of bad things happening without under- or overestimating their risk or severity. It means fearing these things to the extent that it is reasonable to fear them and, in turn, acting according to what is reasonable under the circumstances.
DAMNING (Devaluating self, others, or the world) RESPECT Having positive regard for oneself, others, or the world, unconditionally (regardless of the circumstances).
JUMPING ON THE BANDWAGON (Blindly accepting/doing something in order to fit in) AUTHENICITY Autonomously and freely living according to your own creative lights opposed to losing yourself on a bandwagon of social conformity.
CAN'TSTIPATING YOURSELF (Denying your capacity to think, feel, act, or exercise willpower without sufficient evidence) SELF-CONTROL Exercising rational control over your emotions (temperance), actions (decisiveness), will (tolerance/patience), or thoughts (serenity); avoiding self-stultifying, unrealistic uses of “I can’t.”
THE-WORLD-REVOLVES-AROUND-ME THINKING (Establishing, by fiat, what is acceptable based on your own subjectivity. EMPATHY Transcending your own ego-centered universe by connecting (cognitively, emotionally, and spiritually) with the subjectivity of others.